Benefits of Hiring an Architect

With the thousands of ready-made home design plans available online and through residential constructions companies, it’s easy to see the added expense of hiring an architect as unnecessary step in the home building process. However, while stock plans may work for many individuals, there are key instances in which hiring an architect can save you time, money, and stress. Wondering if hiring an architect is right for you? Consider the following benefits:

  • There are no pre-made plans for extensive renovations. If you are remodeling a home instead of building, you won’t find existing plans online or through a builder, since each renovation is different. Working with an architect means that all additions and remodeling projects are structurally sound and function cohesively with the original structure.
  • Architects save money long term: If you have specific needs or considerations for your home, a pre-made plan might not be able to meet your requirements, and making changes to an existing plan can add thousands of dollars to your budget. Furthermore, if changes are made during construction you could find yourself paying extra money for additional building materials or extended time spent on site. Hiring an architect ensures that your home design is customized to you, and that the ideas that look good on paper also function in reality.
  • Want a unique floor plan but don’t want to detract from the resale value of your home? A well-trained architect can design a home plan that stands out from every other home in neighborhood while still maintaining a home’s potential resale value. From helping you make design choices that are personalized yet timeless, to guaranteeing that the home’s layout remains accessible to future owners, an architect can give you the dream house you want now while still accommodating for the future.

At Home Planning Hawaii, we pride ourselves on our ability to match clients with the best architect for both their project and budget. Contact us today for help finding the best architect for you!

Phone Number

(808) 222-4069

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat 8:00 - 5:30,
Sunday - Closed


200 N Vineyard Blvd.
Ste A325 - 5145
Honolulu, HI 96817

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